Thursday 4 July 2013

Star Wars 25th May 2013

Warm Up
“Star Wars – Revenge of the U6s”
I will be Darth Vader, other coaches are StormTroopers. The StormTroopers have to protect Darth Vader.
Kids have to dribble their ball around and try to get past StormTroopers before shooting the ball at Darth Vader.
Warning – I may make some masks for this as long as it doesn’t scare the kiddies J

Skills Session 1
“Control and Dribbling”
This will be a fast-moving game where we split down into 2 or 3 groups. Coach and players line up on halfway line.
Coach rolls ball away from player who has 10 seconds to run, get ball under control, turn and dribble back to coach and put foot on ball.
That player then goes to back of queue and next one goes. Try reducing time for better players if needed.

Skills Session 2
“Striking a moving ball”
Another fast-moving game in the same groups as above. One players starts in goal, others line up on halfway line.
Coach rolls or kicks ball into path of player as he/she runs in. Player has to try and strike first time and score.
That player then goes in goal and keeper goes to back of queue unless we have 3 keepers who want to stay in goal all the time for practice.

Passing Matches
Hopefully numbers will allow us to do 3 a side and no more but if we have to do 4 a side on the odd pitch that’s fine. Emphasis on passing. Either prizes to the ‘passing champion’ in each match The player in each match who makes the most passes. Tricky to keep count though) or the team that strings together the most consecutive passes. Not sure which one to go with – any thoughts?

Penalties at the end if we have time.

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