Thursday 4 July 2013

Give and go 15th June 2013

Subject: RE: Saturday Training Session - 15th June 2013


This is what I was thinking for Saturday morning:


Warm Up

Dribbling Relay. TEAMS OF THREE. This means we will probably have as many as 8 or 10 teams so we’ll need to make sure we get them nicely spread out and lots of help from coaches. First player dribbles as quickly as possible to a cone then goes around it before dribbling back and passing to next player. When all players have had TWO runs they all sit down and we will have bronze, silver and gold. We could say that on their first go they have to go round the cone anti-clockwise (so with the inside of the right foot) then the second time they have to go clockwise (with outside of right foot)


Skills Session 1 “Give and Go”.

This is passing-based and involves teams of 6 players. Player 1 has to dribble a ball and when they reach the cone they have to pass around it to Player 2 who receives and passes it back around the back of the cone. Like a one-two around a defender. They then run to the end and come back but the other Player 2 starts with the ball. We will demo this but I think it will be good.


Skills Session 2 “Numbers Game”

We should all be familiar with this one now. One slight alteration is that players can score at EITHER END which should make it much quicker to get a result. Players not involved MUST STAND TO THE SIDE of the goal, not in or behind the goal.



Normal rules apply but we need a passing champion from each game. Coaches will need to help players keep count fairly.


Penalties if we have time.

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