Sunday 3 March 2013

Recap session 2/3/2013

Who has played football in the last week? Who has watched football in the last week. Chat if warm enough.
Recap on 3 core skills learnt so far. Shooting, Dribbling, Passing.
What other skills can we learn in coming weeks. Ask for loads of suggestions. Mini demonstrations could be fun J
May get kids to do some random running on spot to keep warm whilst we’re talking.
“Today we’re going to play some games which recap on the 3 core skills”

One Big Warm Up. “one-two-shoot”
As with 2 weeks ago, all kids, including reception, grab a ball and start dribbling around, keeping ball under control. All coaches join in (without a ball) and ask for a pass by calling “one-two” from whoever is closest and then pass back. This time, as soon as the child has receives the ball back from us we shout ‘shoot’ and they have to run and shoot into one of four goals marked with fluorescent posts – no keepers. Dribbling, passing and shooting all in one. Try our hardest to make sure every child gets at least a few passes. Want this to be a fast warm up with lots of activity. Again we need to be gentle with reception. If kids hit ball too hard/soft/off target let them know what to work on next time, maybe even ask for a better pass straight away. V important.

One Big Fun Training Session. “CARS”
The plan is to lay out a huge (quite wide) semi-circular ‘track’ with a start and finish line then a goal beyond the finish line. Halfway round the track there are also some fluorescent posts. Kids get split into groups of 4 and that group must all be of similar ability. They can decide whether they want to be Lightning McQueen, Finn McMissile, Doc Hudson, Francesco, Holly Shiftwell etc. Kids then line up next to each other on start line and when whistle blows have to dribble the ball round the track. This is a race. When they get to the posts they have to pass to one of 4 coaches who will be stationed there. Coaches pass back and then they can carry on round the track. When they get to the end there will be a goal marked out and they have to score a goal. 4 ‘gold doubloons’ for winner, three for 2nd etc. See how it goes and adapt if need be but if all good I suggest we do two rounds of this. Maybe we start second group off after first group have passed the passing stage? Really need to keep it moving and want to encourage those waiting to cheer them all on. Again, dribbling, passing and shooting all in one session. Reception may need hand holding as they go round in their groups of 4, (maybe 5).

I’d like to try to give the kids more time on matches this week if possible. If we overrun we overrun. Emphasis on passing as much as possible. ‘Gold doubloons’ will be awarded for good passing. When kids hear this they will all want to do it – hopefully. This week I’d like to try something else to keep things flowing and lead by example. Coaches will be taking (gently) throw-ins, goal kicks and corners. Whilst we’re doing this I’d like us to be talking to the kids and telling then what we’re doing. “Mungo, run into space”, “Michael – make a run”, Tintin – come closer”, “Robert – through the gap” etc. Let’s show them how to do it for a few weeks then gradually we can get them to take over. In a few weeks we’ll move onto ‘re-starts’ (will explain on Saturday) and then onto the kids doing the real thing. No more than 5 a side so we will have to look at the number of kids and see how best to arrange the pitches. Again, reception will be split off and U6s will be split into ability appropriate matches.

Players stay on pitch they just played on and stay in their teams. I’d then like each player to have 2 penalties, one straight after the other, so that they can a) put into practice the dead ball striking they learned in Mick’s training session and b) we can give them some personal coaching right there and then on better ball placement, better connection, more power (whichever they need) and give them an instant chance to have another go rather than having to wait until next week. If they score, both goals count.

Certificates etc

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