Friday 15 February 2013

Passing Session 16/2/13

Who has played football in the last week? Who has watched football in the last week. Chat if warm enough.
Introduction to passing.
Why do we need to pass the ball? To progress towards the opposition goal, to help assist a goal, to find someone in space, to avoid a tackle, to get the ball away from danger
What part of the foot do we use to pass? All parts. Outside, inside, toe, backheel, laces. Demonstration by coaches.

Warm Up. “one-two”
All kids, including reception, grab a ball and start dribbling around, keeping ball under control. All coaches join in (without a ball) and ask for a pass by calling “one-two” from whoever is closest and then pass back. Move onto next child and try our hardest to make sure every child gets at least a few passes. This should be quite a fast warm up with lots of activity. Obviously we need to be gentle with reception. If kids hit it too hard/soft/off target let them know what to work on next time.

Session 1. “Passing Circle”
Split kids into groups of 5 with one coach for each group. If we have 10 reception kids Mark can take 5 and we’ll need a volunteer for the other 5 this week until Mario is back.
Kids are in a semi-circle or circle around coach and coach takes it in turns to call a childs name and pass to them. They receive the ball and pass it back. First round they stop ball dead and pass back, second round they hit it first time, 3rd round we pass with outside of foot, 4th round we are all moving around and passing, This can be adapted to let the kids pass to each other if we feel it’s going well. Emphasis needs to be on accuracy and power getting both just right. If one is too weak or too hard or way off target let’s not be afraid to go straight back to that person and help/encourage them to get it right, with hints and tips on what they did wrong.

Session 2. “Passing Pentagon”
Same group of 5. Set up 5 cones in a pentagon shape. Kids stand next to a cone. First one passes ball to second one then jogs towards that cone. Receiver then passes to next one and so on around the pentagon. How many can each group do in 1 minute?

Session 3. “Passing Corridor”
Same groups of 5 for simplicity. Wide corridor of cones set up. Each child has a ball and passes to coach whilst slowly progressing down the corridor, one-two, one-two, child then runs back to the start and coach goes again with next child. We can do two rounds of this and then if we have time kids can pair up and do it themselves, coaches pairing up with the 5thchild but then mixing it up next round. Emphasis should be on passing the ball back to the recipient slightly ahead of where they are going to be. Need to tone this one right down for reception. Possibly no need to even have reception moving down the corridor if too tricky.

Keep groups of 5 together? Emphasis on passing. Goal for two or more passes in a move as well as normal goals. 10 mins each way.

Passing penalties. (time permitting)
All players from match 1 (so 10 players) shoot into one goal, players from match 2 shoot into another etc. No goalkeeper. Coach starts off as receiver. First child passes to coach, receives ball back and shoots. Shooter then becomes receiver until round is complete. Try to give advice if things go wrong. Let them have another go straight away if need be to help them improve.

Certificates etc

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